Chapter 7 - Run OAI
To run the OAI, first turn on the HSS database. If you run the EPC and HSS on the same host, EPC will act as the S6A server. Thus, you need to turn on the EPC first.
Go to your OAI directory
cd {oai-dir}/openair-cn/SCRIPTS
sudo ./run_epc
Go to your OAI directory
cd {oai-dir}/openair-cn/SCRIPTS
sudo ./run_hss
When your EPC connect to HSS , you should see the “STATE_OPEN” message on both EPC and HSS. After then, you can turn on the ENB. Note: If you fail to established the connection you may check your FQDN setting in /etc/hosts and the freediameter files ,which locate at /usr/etc/freediameter/mme_fd.conf and /usr/etc/freediameter/hss_fd.conf. The host name should be match to FQDN and the realm should be match to your configuration. If not, you should rebuild your EPC and HSS with the right configuration. DO NOT MODIFY DIRECTLY.
Go to your OAI directory
cd {oai-dir}/cmake_targets/lte_build_oai/build
sudo ./lte-softmodem -d -m 26 -t 16 -O ../../../targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.usrpb210.conf -V -x 1
Remove –d if you run ENB on the server(without GUI). -V is optional When you see the message “Entering ITTI signals handler”. Then, your UE should be able to connect with OAI.